Principal investigator
Institut Pasteur, France
Guillaume Duménil is the head of the pathogenesis of vascular infections laboratory and deputy director of the Cell biology and Infection department at the Institut Pasteur in Paris France. He became interested in the mechanisms underlying infectious diseases during his PhD with Philippe Sansonetti at Institut Pasteur on Shigellosis. He pursued his career as a postdoctoral fellow in Ralph Isberg’s lab in Boston at Tufts University on Legionnaire’s disease and then came back to France where he obtained a researcher position at INSERM working on meningococcal infections. Creating his own lab in 2009 with an ATIP-Avenir starting grant he moved to the Paris Cardiovascular Research Center (PARCC) and then to the Institut Pasteur in 2015. The main focus of his research is the study of the interaction of pathogenic bacteria with blood vessels during septicemia and meningitis. His work is characterized by a highly multidisciplinary approach and by studies at all scales, from protein to whole organisms. He was laureate of an ERC consolidator grant and recipient of several scientific prizes.
Thursday, May 25, 2023
10:30 – 12:30 CET
Engineering vessels-on-a-chip to study human vascular diseases
Thursday, May 25, 2023
10:30 – 11:00 CET