University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Prof Rambukkana is a chair of regeneration biology at the Centre for Regenerative Medicine, Institute of Regeneration and Repair at the University of Edinburgh, UK. He relocated to the Centre for Regenerative Medicine in 2010 from Rockefeller University New York, where he has been a faculty member since 2000; his laboratory is funded mainly by NIH (NINDS and NIAID) and MRC UK and other UK and international funding agencies and charities. He obtained his PhD from the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and continued his first postdoctoral training at the Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam. He then moved to Rockefeller University for his second postdoctoral training before joining the faculty of Rockefeller University. Prof Rambukkana is also a member of the Centre of Infectious Diseases and Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh. His team has delivered seminal discoveries published in the premier biomedical journals, including original papers in Cell, Science, Nature Medicine, Cell Rep Medicine, PNAS etc. The discoveries from his laboratory have been highlighted in major journals and news media. His current research focuses on the intersection of infection biology, regeneration biology, and aging biology themes and the potential translation of this new knowledge for the development of new therapies.
Thursday, May 25, 2023
14:30 – 15:00 CET