SYNENTEC is a leading provider of cutting-edge fluorescence and brightfield imaging systems designed to meet the evolving needs of cell line development, drug discovery, cancer research, immunology, stem cell research, and cell-based assays. Our objective is to offer our clients superior devices at reasonable prices to enable automated high-throughput cell imaging in their labs.
Our flagship products, NYONE 4K and CELLAVISTA 4K, have demonstrated seamless integration capabilities with automated cell culture workstations, enabling researchers to meet increasingly short research timelines with high-throughput imaging capabilities at unmatched resolutions. Our SYBOT-1000 automation solution maximizes your walk-away time by providing fully automated incubation of SBS plates and high-throughput imaging, powered by the world-class scheduling software SYNET.scheduler.
At SYNENTEC, we leverage powerful image processing algorithms to generate high-quality results that enable researchers to answer their questions on a single cell level with unprecedented accuracy and speed. Our commitment to cutting-edge technology, innovation, and exceptional customer service has made us the trusted partner of leading research institutions around the world.