Want to screen hundreds of thousands of cells on the footprint of a microscope slide? Look no further!
ARRALYZE is a digital cell biology platform that enables the identification and isolation of the few outstanding cells from very large populations of hundreds of thousands to millions of cells that really make a difference to your development. Applications where
ARRALYZE can truly excel are in the areas of cell line development, monoclonal antibody development, cell therapy or synthetic biology.
ARRALYZE is the convergence of decades of German engineering experience in developing high-precision machinery with our proprietary and unmatched glass array manufacturing technology and biology.
ARRALYZE is part of the LPKF Group and we work tirelessly to ensure that we provide the best solutions to our industrial and academic customers. We understand customization not only as helping you putting together the best equipment, but also as a way to tailor the array to your needs or help you developing your individualized workflows - no matter what!