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For Students and Early Career

Inspiring the next generation of life sciences researchers and innovators is a key priority for SLAS. Take advantage of these special events and activities at SLAS Europe 2023 to accelerate your career.


Mentor Match is SLAS’s online, year-round mentoring program that we make available onsite at our conference. Meet with members of academia and industry to get advice, investigate a new career path, ask questions or find out how to prepare to meet your goals.

Appointments available on 24 May 14:30 – 16:40 and 25 May 10:30 – 12:00. Sign up at the SLAS Booth Desk.

Recruiter Hours

Exhibitors who are hiring will be on hand to make fast announcements about their job opportunities! Grab a lunch and think about your next career move!

In the SLAS Booth Theatre, 24 May from 12:00 – 13:00


Celebrate Your Poster Presenting Peers

SLAS will present the Student Poster Award of SLAS Europe 2023. Sponsored by Digital Discovery.

In the SLAS Booth, 25 May 17:30 – 17:40, at the start of the Closing Reception in the Exhibition


Special Interest Group Discussions—feed your passion!

While these aren’t specific to students and early-career attendees, the SLAS Special Interest Groups are great places to find a community of people interested in the same scientific endeavor as you. Learn, share your knowledge and experience, and ask questions.

In the SLAS Booth, various meeting times 24 – 25 May.


Get Published!

Learn how you can contribute to the SLAS open access journals, SLAS Discovery and SLAS Technology at the SLAS Booth. Meet the editors or editorial board members and find out how to navigate your next publishing effort.